
Pupil Premium

The Pupil Premium is funding provided to schools which is additional to main school funding. The premium is designed to help each school boost the attainment of disadvantaged children and reduce the gap between the highest and lowest achievers. It is allocated according to the number of pupils on-roll who are eligible for free school meals (FSM), a smaller amount allocated according to the number of children of service families, and an allocation for each pupil who has been ‘Looked After’ (in care) for 6 months or more.
From September 2012, we have been required to publish online information about how we have used the premium. This ensures that parents and others are made fully aware of the attainment of pupils covered by the premium and the extra support that they receive.
Key Facts:
  • Pupils in year groups Reception to Year 6 recorded as Ever 6 FSM £1,320 Pupil in Years 7-11 recorded as Ever 6 FSM £935
  • Looked-after children (LAC) defined in the Children Act 1989 as one who is in the care of, or provided with accommodation by, an English local authority £1,900
  • Service Children - pupils in year groups reception to Year 11 recorded as Ever 5 Service Child or in receipt of a child pension from the Ministry of Defence

Mawgan-in-Pydar Primary School
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