
Class 2

Mrs Laura Olefhile

Class Teacher

Miss Leah Horrocks

Teaching Assistant


Class 2 consists of Year 1 and Year 2 children.


Our aim is to ensure that every child feels that they are part of a caring class. A class in which they feel confident enough to try new things without fear of failure. A class in which everybody has something to offer. Our aspiration is that the children in Class 2 will become self-motivated learners through a varied and exciting curriculum. Parents are always welcome in Class 2, whether to discuss their child's progress or to help on educational visits. We want Class 2 children to enjoy school and to look forward to the opportunities each new day offers.


Class 2 will have their PE lesson on a Thursday. On this day, children must wear their correct PE kits to school. There may of course, be additional days when the children may be required to wear a PE kit, which they will be clearly informed about. 


PE kit:

  • Black shorts, leggings or tracksuit bottoms
  • Green T-shirt with logo
  • Trainers or plimsolls
  • No earrings or jewellery

Please name all items of kit and school uniform.


Reading at home

This should be enjoyed on a daily basis. Reading independently, reading together and across a variety of genres are all beneficial, as are audio books. Please keep your reading materials in a book bag so that nothing is lost or misplaced.  All children will read daily with their teaching staff during their phonics session. 




English and SPaG:

In English, our first half term will be looking in depth at understanding the grammar word classes and punctuation that are instrumental in creating effective sentences.  This new initiative will be threaded throughout all our year groups at Mawgan in Pydar, so that the skills required to write effectively become second nature to the children. In Autumn 2 we will be continuing to use a Talk for Writing approach to explore different genres of writing including poetry, letter writing and non-chronological reports. Our Y1 children will be focusing on the personal pronoun I, leaving spaces between words, using a capital letter at the start of a sentence and using capital letters for names. Our Y2 children will be focusing on making thoughtful and ambitious word choices, including specific or technical vocabulary used in non-narrative writing. The Y2 children will focus on using full stops and capital letters mostly correctly. They will also use exclamation and question marks accurately to demarcate sentences. Both year groups will be continuing our Read, Write Inc Programme.


We are focusing on the correct letter formation to encourage children to become fluent writers. During the Autumn term we will be focusing on sitting our writing on the lines and making sure our sentences have the correct punctuation.

Handwriting units this half term:

  • Unit 1 Y1 Practising long-legged giraffe letters/ Y2 Practising diagonal join to ascender: th, ch.
  • Unit 2 Y1 Writing words with ll/ Y2 Practising diagonal join no ascender: ai, ay.
  • Unit 3 Y1 Introducing capitals for long-legged giraffe letters/ Y2 Practising diagonal join no ascender: ir, er.
  • Unit 4 Y1 Practising one armed robot letters/ Y2 Practising diagonal join to ascender: wh, oh.
  • Unit 5 Y1 Practising long-legged giraffe letters and one-armed robot letters/ Y2 Practising diagonal join no ascender: ow, ou.
  • Unit 6 Y1 Introducing capitals for one-armed robot letters/ Y2 Introducing diagonal join to e: ie, ue.
  • Unit 7 Y1 Practising curly caterpillar letters/ Y2 Introducing horizontal join to e: oe, ve


In Mathematics we will be focusing on place value, addition and subtraction and shape.


In Science, both year groups will be focusing on plants for the first half term. Year 1 will learn about the different parts of a plant, where plants grow in our local area, which plants we eat and all about trees and leaves. Year 2 will learn about seeds, what plants need to be able to grow, where different plants grow and how they change. After half term, Y1 will focus on seasonal changes whilst Year 2 will focus on living things and their habitats.


Art and Design & Design Technology

This half term, we will be exploring and creating through our ‘Playful making’ Art unit. Next half term, we will be designing and making toys in our ‘Changing toys’ Design Technology unit.


We will learn songs across the school during our music assemblies so that we can perform them at our local Harvest Festival. In Autumn 2, Y1 will be learning how to perform songs with style and rhythm from memory by identifying simple song structures. They will be creating a performance with an accompaniment and actions. In Autumn 2, Y2 will be learning to improvise rhythms along to a backing track using the note C or G. Y2 children will also learn to compose call-and-response music, play a melody on a tuned percussion instrument, sing with good diction and recognise and play echoing phrases by ear.


History and Geography

This term, in Geography we will learn about our school grounds and how they support plant life. In History, we will explore how toys have changed over time.


This term Y1 will learn about technology all around us, digital painting (using a computer to save and retrieve work) and internet safety. Y2 will learn about programming, computer systems and networks.



This term we will explore the question ‘Who is Muslim and how do they live?’ We will attend our local Harvest festival service and recognise that Harvest Festival is a time for Christians to say ‘Thank You’ to God. During Autumn 2, we will also explore why Christmas is important to Christians.


During this half term we will focus on multi skills, body parts and their functions and bootcamp activities (exploring circuit activities). In Autumn 2 we will explore story time dance, healthy minds, emotions and goals and mighty movers (improving fitness/running).


Our SCARF theme this half term is 'Me and My Relationships' exploring all about me, classroom routines and understanding and expressing feelings. Next half term, our theme will be ‘Valuing Differences’.



  • PE afternoon is Thursday – PE kits to be worn to school every Thursday.
  • Please bring a clearly labelled water bottle to school every day.
  • Please label all clothing.
  • Please read at home daily and record this in your child’s reading record.


Open Door Policy We welcome your feedback on any aspect of your child’s time in Class 2. Please drop us an email via the office (hello@mawgan-in-pydar.org.uk) to raise any questions, queries or problems that you may have. We are excited about the term ahead with Class 2 and thank you in advance for your support.


Mrs Olefhile and Miss Horrocks.


In class 2 we will continue to follow the systematic approach to phonics called Read, Write Inc.
We will recap the learning from the Foundation Stage, enhancing upon your child's knowledge to make them fluent and able readers.
It is always helpful to practice what we are learning at school, but if you feel you are a little unsure on how to pronounce the sounds here is a clip from the RWInc site which will help you.



Mawgan-in-Pydar Primary School
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