

Since 2006, the PTA has raised an incredible amount, over £92,000. It has helped to fund numerous and various school trips and items of equipment which most recently includes:
  • "the lodge"
  • new books
  • IT equipment
  • new lockers
  • play equipment
  • trikes
  • sand/water play tables
  • gardening tools
  • Crawl Thro Steam Loco (rear playground)
  • Wooden Gazebo (front playground)
  • Playground toys
  • And resources such as Board games
The PTA is looking for help!
Volunteers needed!
You do not have to commit a huge amount of time or effort! You do not have to come to meetings!
We are looking for more parents to join our mailing list so we have input from more people, access to more ideas and a network where we can ask for specific help if we need it.
Our PTA - Parent, Teacher Association is extremely important to us! It helps us to give the children at Mawgan-in-Pydar fantastic opportunities to enhance and encourage learning.
The Mawgan-in-Pydar PTA is a group of parents and teachers who work together to raise money to fund the "extras" provided to the pupils by the school, over and above that provided by the Government. It includes items that enrich the children's learning and personal development with in the school environment.
Please register your support, however small, by leaving an email with our school secretary Gill Cooper. She will be happy to assist you with any questions.
Everyone is welcome, parents, teachers, grandparents, god parents, all help is much appreciated.
Could you:
  • Man a stall for an hour?
  • Ask your employer for a prize for the raffles?
  • Recommend a band or singer for an event?
  • Ask a business to match fund an event?

Mawgan-in-Pydar Primary School
School website design by eSchools. Content provided by Mawgan-in-Pydar Primary School. All rights reserved. 2024