
Class 3

Mrs Christie Ley

Class Teacher

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday

Mrs Hayley Christopher

Class Teacher

Thursday, Friday

Miss Sophie Hall

Teaching Assistant

Class 3 consists of Year 3 children.
Our aim is to ensure that every child feels that they are part of a caring class. A class in which they feel confident enough to try new things without fear of failure. A class in which everybody has something to offer. Our aspiration is that the children in Class 3 will become self-motivated learners through a varied and exciting curriculum. Parents are always welcome in Class 3, whether to discuss their child's progress or to help on educational visits. We want Class 3 children to enjoy school and to look forward to the opportunities each new day offers.
Key Timings:
PE - Class 3 children should come to school in their PE kits every Monday.
Homework - Handed out at the beginning of term (can be found on Google Classroom too). 
Spellings - Spellings sent home half termly, also uploaded onto Google Classroom, practised every day in spelling logs in class, tested on Fridays. 
Reading Record - Your child will need to read to an adult at home and have their Reading Record signed.
Times Table Rock Stars - Practised every morning during registration. Learning times table facts is vital and children should be able to recite their table facts up to 12 x 12 by the end of Year 4. Therefore, it is really important that whenever you get a few minutes you keep encouraging them to revisit these so they can automatically recall the facts without having to use fingers or apparatus. The more your child practises, the easier they will find calculations at school and out in the real world. 

Knowledge Rich Project (KRP): Emperors and Empires  

History: This is the driver subject for our ‘Knowledge Rich Project’ (KRP)

Your child will learn about the growth and decline of the Roman Republic and the Roman Empire. They will discover the absolute power of the Roman emperors and study the hierarchies of Roman society and the Roman army. They will study the first invasions of Britain in 55 and 54 BC and the Roman conquest of Britain in AD 43. They will learn about Boudicca’s rebellion, Hadrian’s Wall and the Romanisation of Britain, including how Christianity came to Britain and investigate the legacy of Roman Britain in their local area.

To ensure full curriculum coverage we will have companion projects in Science, Art and DT that will sit alongside the topic.



Along with focusing on grammar, spelling, handwriting and reading skills, we will be writing myths, poems, rags to riches stories, recounts and letters. We continue to use a Talk for Writing approach to our learning which has three stages to it: imitation, innovation and finally independence. Much of our writing will be cross curricular and we will be continuing to transfer skills learnt in English, to other curriculum areas.

Linked text:

Our new class book is My Story, Roman Invasion by Jim Eldridge. It's AD 84 when Bran, a prince of the Carvetii tribe, is captured by the Romans. A legion of soldiers is marching east, to build a military road. It's hostile country, and Bran is to go with them as a hostage to ensure the legion's safety ... but no one is safe in newly conquered Britain



We will follow the White Rose Year 3 units for learning in this subject.  In the Summer term Year 3 will study Fractions, Money, Time, Shape and Statistics. We will continue to learn and practise our times table facts and develop our multiplication knowledge and would encourage any extra support on this from home.


Art & Design:

Mosaic Masters: This project teaches children about the history of mosaics, before focusing on the colours, patterns and themes found in Roman mosaic. The children learn techniques to help them design and make a mosaic border tile.

Beautiful Botanicals: This project teaches children about the genre of botanical art. They create natural weavings, two-colour prints and beautiful and detailed botanical paintings of fruit.



Plant Nutrition and Reproduction: This project teaches children about the requirements of plants for growth and survival. They describe the parts of flowering plants and relate structure to function, including the roots and stem for transporting water, leaves for making food and the flower for reproduction.

Light and Shadows: This project teaches children about light and dark. They investigate the phenomena of reflections and shadows, looking for patterns in collected data. The risks associated with the Sun are also explored.



Greenhouse: This project teaches children about the purpose, structure and design features of greenhouses, and compares the work of two significant greenhouse designers. They learn techniques to strengthen structures and use tools safely. They use their learning to design and construct a mini greenhouse.



We will follow a structured plan for Year 3 from the SCARF units for PSHE.  In the first half of the summer term, we will cover the unit ‘Being My Best’ which addresses balanced diets, keeping safe, rights and responsibilities. After half term we will move onto ‘Growing and Changing’ which for Y3 children includes changing bodies, relationships, personal space and first aid.



RE teaching at Mawgan-in-Pydar is based on the New Cornwall Agreed Syllabus. We develop children’s knowledge and understanding of some of the major world faiths. We are following a two-year programme of study from Curriculum Kernewek. During the summer term, Year 3 will be exploring Christianity. The first unit will be ‘Gospel’, Looking at ‘What kind of world did Jesus want?’ During the second half of the summer term, Class 3 will focus on Cornish Christian traditions and celebrations and look at ‘How do people in Cornwall mark significant events?’



Year 3 will continue to develop their French vocabulary, listening, reading and writing skills through the units of ‘Our School’ and ‘Time’.



During Music lessons, we will be following 3 different Sing Up units. These will include: a ‘Listen’ Unit named Samba with Sergio, aCompose’ unit called ‘Just 3 notes’ and a final longer unit calledFour white horses.’ Within all these units, musical vocabulary, terminology and exposure to a variety of styles and genres is at the forefront.



ICT will be used throughout all the other subject areas to enhance the children's understanding and for research purposes. Children will be encouraged to use ICT as a tool for furthering their understanding in other curriculum areas. Throughout the term there will be an emphasis on keeping ourselves safe online and what online content is appropriate. In addition to this, we will be following 2 ‘Digital Learning Cornwall’ units based on programming; sequencing in music and then moving onto events and actions.



For Year 3 children, the first half term will focus on fielding skills in their ‘Throwing and Catching’ unit. Children will consolidate and develop a range of skills in striking and fielding, learn batting techniques for cricket and rounders. Children will practise throwing accurately and catching with cushioned hands. They will learn to retrieve the ball effectively, using tactics and skills to play a game competitively and fairly. In the second half of the term, Y3 will be preparing for Sports Day in their ‘Active Athletics’ unit, learning to run at different speeds and different directions showing a good technique. Children will learn how to perform a standing long jump. They will practise starting a race and passing and receiving a baton in relay.


Class 3 will continue to have their PE lesson on a Monday. On this day children must wear their correct PE kits to school. There may of course, be additional days when the children may be required to wear a PE kit, which they will be clearly informed about. 

PE kit:

  •        Black shorts, leggings or tracksuit bottoms
  •        Green T-shirt with logo
  •        Trainers or plimsolls
  •        No earrings or jewellery

Please name all items of kit and school uniform.



  1.    Reading: This should be enjoyed on a daily basis. Reading independently, reading together and across a variety of genres are all beneficial, as are audio books. Reading records are to be handed in every morning, they will be checked and returned by the end of the day. Please keep your reading materials in a book bag so that nothing is lost or misplaced. Star Reader stamps will be given for every 10 Home reads achieved, with a Star Reader certificate given for 30 Home reads.
  2.    Spellings: These will be given to the children at the beginning of each half term. They will be practised every morning in class. A new weekly set will be handed out each Friday, with a test the following Friday. You can find the lists on Google Classroom.
  3.    Times tables facts – By the end of Year 4, pupils should have memorised their multiplication tables up to and including the 12 times table. Please practise these regularly as part of the weekly homework. Practise the tables that are found most difficult (see song links on Google Classroom). Children will be playing Times Tables Rock Stars at school, please also encourage them to play at home.
  4.    Optional Curriculum Project activities: This will be added to Google Classroom as well as a paper version sent home.
  5.    Occasionally additional homework may be sent home to reinforce or practise a concept in any subject area that has been covered in class.


Open Door Policy We welcome your feedback on any aspect of your child’s time in Class 3. Please drop us an email via the office (hello@mawgan-in-pydar.org.uk) to raise any questions, queries or problems that you may have.


We are excited about the term ahead with Class 3 and thank you in advance for your support.

Mrs Ley and Mrs Christopher

Mawgan-in-Pydar Primary School
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